Friday, December 27, 2019

About The Witch Trials In The Crucible - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 920 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Crucible Essay Did you like this example? How do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless? The witch trials gave people power over people that they wouldn’t have had any legal or ethical way. The witch trails propped up flawed, generally not good people, and that’s who was accusing people most of the time. In this essay we will look at people who the witch trails elevated to previously intangible heights of power, popularity, and respect and to finish I will talk about some examples of modern witch-hunts that are happening today or recently. My family used to have this thing called â€Å"Bella’s the boss† where she would choose what pizza we had, what shows and movies we watched, and the music we listened to in the car (what parents do to keep the youngest one part of the group, am I right?) and when we’d say â€Å"But Dad, this show is better†, he’d say â€Å"Bella’s the boss. Needless to say when she got old enough, and the power was stripped away, it led to many heated discussions by 4-year-old Bella. This is simi lar to what happened in the crucible, as you’ll see if you continue reading this essay. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About The Witch Trials In The Crucible" essay for you Create order Parris is a hypocrite. He is a crooked leader of the local church in the village, and at one point lots of people would come and listen to him talk about the fiery pits of hell, and after a while people stopped showing up because they don’t need that kind of negativity in their life, but to himself he’s infallible, so the only natural reason people weren’t showing up was because the devil was leading them astray, when in reality, they’re sick and tired of hearing that shrew of a man preach about damnation and eternal suffering. The witch trials elevated him to a new level. He was seen almost as a savior A deliverer from evil if you will. He was part of the holy court. This position of power elevated him to a position to get back at people who were talking bad about him behind his back by him accusing them of dealings with the devil, and subsequently ending their lives. He would not have had that opportunity otherwise. Abigail Williams was a maid pretty much before these events, and some might argue the whole thing was to win back the recognition of John Proctor, the man she feels is her true love or whatever. She had no say in almost anything (or respect), but once she started saying that she could see things and people started believing her, there was no going back. People thought of her as a diviner, and the opinion of the people in her village changed strikingly. She was zero to hero, in a society where at one point women didn’t have much roles in a society. She was power crazy, seeing how she didn’t do much to earn that power in the first place, and that led to the events of the rest of the book. She used to be powerless, and then over the course of almost a week, she became almost a deity. If you thought witch hunts were a thing of the past, you thought wrong. There have been quite a few â€Å"witch hunts† in recent years. The red scare was against communism, the persecution of republicans and supporters of Donald Trump, and the #metoo movement (not saying this is bad necessarily, but if you stick around I’ll explain). These events have empowered people who would not have been so â€Å"infamous† had this not come about. Look at former Senator Joseph McCarthy. He probably wouldn’t have gone down in history as anything more than a senator had he not done the infamous McCarthy legislation, thereby attaching his name to a permanent piece of American history. People who persecute republicans and supporters of the republican party (or vice versa) are kind of giving themselves power over people, because they think that they are better than them in a way, and that they have a reason to persecute them, and the me to accusers are empowered because a s ingle allegation could ruin someone’s career. I’m not saying that their stories aren’t credible I’m just saying that not all of them are true. Sometimes I’m sure it becomes kind of a â€Å"if we don’t believe them, we will be seen as sexist† or vice versa. there are documented examples of women completely fabricating allegations just to screw people over and ruin their lives (see by Amanda Erickson) and that can undoubtedly give people a sense of power, especially if they can dethrone someone rich and powerful (as is the case with Harvey Weinstein [which turned out to be true, which is good because then he deserved it]) or a CEO of a company or whatever. Sometimes they don’t investigate, and are often times guilty until proven innocent, leaving the once powerful at the mercy of the court of public opinion. The witch trials have empowered people who were otherwise powerless. They gave them say in legal places and things they normally wouldn’t have had in the first place, and they abused that newfound power to get back at all those who had wronged them in the past, and because of that, many innocents lost their lives or careers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lord of the Flies Characters - 1582 Words

Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding. It discusses how culture created by man fails, using as an example a group of British school-boys stuck on a deserted island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Each British boys are a symbol that represents in ourself and also in our society, these are follow boys; Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Jack are the four main characters that represents a lot in our society that we can learn from. William Golding represents the boys in a very good way, to explain to the readers how the world around us is seen through the characters of those four boys. Jack in the novel is one of the main antagonist, that represents the evil†¦show more content†¦Piggy in the novel represents a lot of thing in our society and also in ourselves. He represents how human society is using tall poppy syndrome, this is the action of eagerly pulling down the more successful people in our society and making them not look the greatest. Piggy is one of the only characters in the novel that had intelligent and also high hope for them to get rescued. He represents the intelligent in the society but Golding is trying to reach out to the society that we are killing and loosing our intelligent humans, for example when Roger drops a big boulder on piggy resulting piggy to die, this shows us that slowly all of our smart and intelligent humans are dying because we are not recognizing them. Piggy is the most intelligent, rational boy in the group, and his glasses represent the power of science and intellectual endeavor in society. This symbolic significanc e is clear from the start of the novel, when the boys use the lenses from Piggy’s glasses to focus the sunlight and start a fire, this represents rational thinking. When Jack’s hunters raid Ralph’s camp and steal the glasses, the savages effectively take the power to make fire, leaving Ralph’s group helpless. Piggy represents the law and order of the adult world. He is the superego, the part of man’s personality which attempts to act according to an absolute set of standards. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts toShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Character Analysis932 Words   |  4 Pagesdesires, power and committed some immoral acts in their life but at what point do these assets effect the amount of corruption present in a person. Lord of The Flies is a 1954 novel written by Nobel Prize winner William Golding. With the stand out themes of savagery and corruption it can be clearly seen why this book has such a large audience. Lord of The Flies is an allegory based around the events of war and destruction going on in the world at this time. The Following is a 2013-2015 crime drama Tv showRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis947 Words   |  4 PagesAustin Curtis Ms. Tantlinger Honors English 10 2 January 2018 Title In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, a group of children are deserted on an uncharted island due to the conflict of a world war. As the boys live on the island, they begin to have conflicts among themselves, and Jack, an older boy on the island, begins to become power-hungry. Jack falls far from the rules of society as he is overcome by the power of the mask, Jack also conceals his humanity by using his war mask; GoldingRead MoreFoil Characters In Lord Of The Flies1477 Words   |  6 Pagesis the recurring theme centering the characters. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies uses the righteous Simon to highlight Jack and his evil role throughout the novel of savagery and civilization. The foil characters in Lord of the Flies exhibit the contrasting ideals and characteristics, the dissimilar symbolism of both characters, and the circumstances which lead both characters to follow one’s natural tendencies. To emphasize the message of Lord of the Flies, two young innocent boys will graduallyRead Moreâ€Å"Lord of the Flies† Character Essay704 Words   |  3 Pagespeople, but not all humans are like that. One of the most notable humans to over come the â€Å"monster† is Simon, a character from the book â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding. The story is set on an island in the Pacific Ocean. A plane full of British schoolboys crash lands on an island and they’re stranded there with no adults, no society, and no rules. Simon is one of the few characters that stay sensible and good throughout the story. He has a sixth sense about things happening around him, heRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1288 Words   |  6 PagesIn Lord of the Flies there is a lot of leadership,order, and civilization. William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 and died June 19, 1993. Lord of the Flies was a novel that was published on September 17, 1954. This novel is about a group of boys stranded on an isla nd. The boys worked together to find things so they can get help. The boys all were scared at first but Ralph being the leader got all the boys to calm down and relax so he could find ideas to help me get off the island. It willRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1161 Words   |  5 Pages The novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, written by William Golding, follows a group of british schoolboys on their fight for survival. After their plane crashed on an island, the boys must work quickly and alert someone of their whereabouts. The main character, Ralph, opens the story as â€Å"a fair boy† meaning the favourite or the most promising of a group. Leading the boys was a job Ralph took on proudly and all was sain in the world. The boys aren’t on the island long before the idea of order starts to fadeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1009 Words   |  5 PagesFor centuries people have accepted living side by side with good and evil, as they will for years to come. This philosophy is demonstrated in the allegorical novel, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding. Set in an unknown time period, during an atomic war, in which, the attempt to take a group of schoolboys to safety fails and they crash into a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean instead. As the boys realize there is no adult survivors, they celebrate their newfound freedom and try to establishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis940 Words   |  4 PagesAll people have evil inside them, sometimes deep enough for it to not come out. William Golding’s novel Lord of The Flies theme is that all people have evil inside them, and only rules and order can keep them from acting upon it. Ralph’s character disputes this theory because of his knowledge and wisdom, him seeking civilization and his leadership skills. Ralph seeking for civilization helps prove that he is not leaning towards the evil inside him. For example, the signal fire which is used toRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1368 Words   |  6 PagesPicture life today without a structured government: no morals, no laws, and no persecution. People would be able to act however they wanted, without thinking about the consequences. In his novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses characters and symbols to provide a complex perspective on the lack of society and its effect on people’s behavior. Golding himself served in the military for five years, and he fuels the plot with his own experiences with corruption. In the text, a pack of BritishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1109 Words   |  5 Pages Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is known as a novel in which each character symbolizes deep, abstract ideas. Throughout this narrative, we see the concept of analogy portrayed by the three main ch aracters. All though they do not realize it, these characters represent everyday ideas of the human race such as civilization, rationalism, and inhumanity. The foremost characters, Ralph, Piggy, and Jack, each symbolize a human quality as they display their distinctive character traits throughout

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bottle nosed dolphins Essay Example For Students

Bottle nosed dolphins Essay BOTTLE-NOSEDDOLPHIN Bottle-nosed dolphins are named for their snouts, which distinctly set off from the head, like the neck of a bottle. The animals are generally dark gray or black above, with a lighter belly. The length of an adult varies, from 6 and a half feet to 13 feet. Bottle-nosed dolphins have a prominent, curved dorsal fin with a thin trailing edge that readily tatters. Bottle-nosed dolphins are coastal in most areas and remain in groups less than 20, although off shore varieties also exist in many places and, in deep water, groups can be as large as 200. Some populations make seasonal migrations. Bottle-nosed dolphins are often considered the most adaptable of the cetaceans beacouse they live a amid industrial activity around harbors and ship channels in many parts of the world. There is some evidence for polygamous mating, in which there is no over aggressive competition by either males or females for access to mates. After a gestation period of about 12 months, a single calf is born. Calves nurse up to 18 months. Bottle-nosed dolphins feed on many different types of prey, including shrimp, squid, other invertebrates, and fishes. The dolphins feed by nosing into near- shore rocky crevasses, by chasing fish onto mudbanks and snapping them up while they are beached, or by cooperatively herding prey into dense clusters, sometimes against a shore or up to the surface of the water. Dolphins have an unusual way of fighting. Dolphins use there hard bottle like snout to crush its enemys bones, the enemy does not die instantly, the enemy dies of starvation because it cannot catch its preyWords/ Pages : 282 / 24

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Literature. Workshop Review Essay Example

Literature. Workshop Review Paper Essay on Literature. Workshop How to learn to read the book for the benefit of themselves? The olichaetsya feedback from the review, and the report by the abstract? How to analyze works of literature that is, on the one hand, it does not become a simple retelling or naive interpretation, and on the other hand, would not be a post-mortem examination, after which you can read books, but disgusting? These questions are answered by the authors of the workshop Starts manual with clear, simple guidelines that can be followed and the language student and a regular student (by the way, there are very useful, for example, to develop their own litter system). Then predagayutsya remarkable materials: poetry and questions to them (there are jobs, and for prose, and dramticheskih). Here illustrative examples: a section on analysis of a poem GR Derzhavin Monument, contains the poem itself, poems Lomonosov, Pushkin, Fet, Bryusov, which are also free transcriptions of the famous works of Horace, about their findings ( Whose version, in your opinion, is closer to the translation of Lomonosov, and whose poem to GRDerzhavin? What do you think, why the poets of different eras have treated this poem? Just given 16 questions.). If we are talking about Dying Gladiator MV Lermontov, the authors propose three transfers (this work of Byron): VI Shchastny, NV Berg, VV Levik We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A separate section -. Working with critical articles such classics as Dob, Druzhinin, Pisarev, Fears It is noteworthy that the authors seek to present the literature in the context of other arts and offer system works with illustrations for the Product of the literature. For todays reader the picture is so important that love painting, poets Ends manual of similar synchronistic table:. The most important historical and cultural events, literature, art, music, cinema . very simvolichnoym seemed decoration: the famous painting by Nesterovs Vision lad Varfalomeyu, has received finally the sweetness of knowledge .