Friday, December 27, 2019

About The Witch Trials In The Crucible - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 920 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Crucible Essay Did you like this example? How do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless? The witch trials gave people power over people that they wouldn’t have had any legal or ethical way. The witch trails propped up flawed, generally not good people, and that’s who was accusing people most of the time. In this essay we will look at people who the witch trails elevated to previously intangible heights of power, popularity, and respect and to finish I will talk about some examples of modern witch-hunts that are happening today or recently. My family used to have this thing called â€Å"Bella’s the boss† where she would choose what pizza we had, what shows and movies we watched, and the music we listened to in the car (what parents do to keep the youngest one part of the group, am I right?) and when we’d say â€Å"But Dad, this show is better†, he’d say â€Å"Bella’s the boss. Needless to say when she got old enough, and the power was stripped away, it led to many heated discussions by 4-year-old Bella. This is simi lar to what happened in the crucible, as you’ll see if you continue reading this essay. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About The Witch Trials In The Crucible" essay for you Create order Parris is a hypocrite. He is a crooked leader of the local church in the village, and at one point lots of people would come and listen to him talk about the fiery pits of hell, and after a while people stopped showing up because they don’t need that kind of negativity in their life, but to himself he’s infallible, so the only natural reason people weren’t showing up was because the devil was leading them astray, when in reality, they’re sick and tired of hearing that shrew of a man preach about damnation and eternal suffering. The witch trials elevated him to a new level. He was seen almost as a savior A deliverer from evil if you will. He was part of the holy court. This position of power elevated him to a position to get back at people who were talking bad about him behind his back by him accusing them of dealings with the devil, and subsequently ending their lives. He would not have had that opportunity otherwise. Abigail Williams was a maid pretty much before these events, and some might argue the whole thing was to win back the recognition of John Proctor, the man she feels is her true love or whatever. She had no say in almost anything (or respect), but once she started saying that she could see things and people started believing her, there was no going back. People thought of her as a diviner, and the opinion of the people in her village changed strikingly. She was zero to hero, in a society where at one point women didn’t have much roles in a society. She was power crazy, seeing how she didn’t do much to earn that power in the first place, and that led to the events of the rest of the book. She used to be powerless, and then over the course of almost a week, she became almost a deity. If you thought witch hunts were a thing of the past, you thought wrong. There have been quite a few â€Å"witch hunts† in recent years. The red scare was against communism, the persecution of republicans and supporters of Donald Trump, and the #metoo movement (not saying this is bad necessarily, but if you stick around I’ll explain). These events have empowered people who would not have been so â€Å"infamous† had this not come about. Look at former Senator Joseph McCarthy. He probably wouldn’t have gone down in history as anything more than a senator had he not done the infamous McCarthy legislation, thereby attaching his name to a permanent piece of American history. People who persecute republicans and supporters of the republican party (or vice versa) are kind of giving themselves power over people, because they think that they are better than them in a way, and that they have a reason to persecute them, and the me to accusers are empowered because a s ingle allegation could ruin someone’s career. I’m not saying that their stories aren’t credible I’m just saying that not all of them are true. Sometimes I’m sure it becomes kind of a â€Å"if we don’t believe them, we will be seen as sexist† or vice versa. there are documented examples of women completely fabricating allegations just to screw people over and ruin their lives (see by Amanda Erickson) and that can undoubtedly give people a sense of power, especially if they can dethrone someone rich and powerful (as is the case with Harvey Weinstein [which turned out to be true, which is good because then he deserved it]) or a CEO of a company or whatever. Sometimes they don’t investigate, and are often times guilty until proven innocent, leaving the once powerful at the mercy of the court of public opinion. The witch trials have empowered people who were otherwise powerless. They gave them say in legal places and things they normally wouldn’t have had in the first place, and they abused that newfound power to get back at all those who had wronged them in the past, and because of that, many innocents lost their lives or careers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lord of the Flies Characters - 1582 Words

Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding. It discusses how culture created by man fails, using as an example a group of British school-boys stuck on a deserted island who try to govern themselves with disastrous results. Each British boys are a symbol that represents in ourself and also in our society, these are follow boys; Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Jack are the four main characters that represents a lot in our society that we can learn from. William Golding represents the boys in a very good way, to explain to the readers how the world around us is seen through the characters of those four boys. Jack in the novel is one of the main antagonist, that represents the evil†¦show more content†¦Piggy in the novel represents a lot of thing in our society and also in ourselves. He represents how human society is using tall poppy syndrome, this is the action of eagerly pulling down the more successful people in our society and making them not look the greatest. Piggy is one of the only characters in the novel that had intelligent and also high hope for them to get rescued. He represents the intelligent in the society but Golding is trying to reach out to the society that we are killing and loosing our intelligent humans, for example when Roger drops a big boulder on piggy resulting piggy to die, this shows us that slowly all of our smart and intelligent humans are dying because we are not recognizing them. Piggy is the most intelligent, rational boy in the group, and his glasses represent the power of science and intellectual endeavor in society. This symbolic significanc e is clear from the start of the novel, when the boys use the lenses from Piggy’s glasses to focus the sunlight and start a fire, this represents rational thinking. When Jack’s hunters raid Ralph’s camp and steal the glasses, the savages effectively take the power to make fire, leaving Ralph’s group helpless. Piggy represents the law and order of the adult world. He is the superego, the part of man’s personality which attempts to act according to an absolute set of standards. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts toShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Character Analysis932 Words   |  4 Pagesdesires, power and committed some immoral acts in their life but at what point do these assets effect the amount of corruption present in a person. Lord of The Flies is a 1954 novel written by Nobel Prize winner William Golding. With the stand out themes of savagery and corruption it can be clearly seen why this book has such a large audience. Lord of The Flies is an allegory based around the events of war and destruction going on in the world at this time. The Following is a 2013-2015 crime drama Tv showRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis947 Words   |  4 PagesAustin Curtis Ms. Tantlinger Honors English 10 2 January 2018 Title In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, a group of children are deserted on an uncharted island due to the conflict of a world war. As the boys live on the island, they begin to have conflicts among themselves, and Jack, an older boy on the island, begins to become power-hungry. Jack falls far from the rules of society as he is overcome by the power of the mask, Jack also conceals his humanity by using his war mask; GoldingRead MoreFoil Characters In Lord Of The Flies1477 Words   |  6 Pagesis the recurring theme centering the characters. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies uses the righteous Simon to highlight Jack and his evil role throughout the novel of savagery and civilization. The foil characters in Lord of the Flies exhibit the contrasting ideals and characteristics, the dissimilar symbolism of both characters, and the circumstances which lead both characters to follow one’s natural tendencies. To emphasize the message of Lord of the Flies, two young innocent boys will graduallyRead Moreâ€Å"Lord of the Flies† Character Essay704 Words   |  3 Pagespeople, but not all humans are like that. One of the most notable humans to over come the â€Å"monster† is Simon, a character from the book â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding. The story is set on an island in the Pacific Ocean. A plane full of British schoolboys crash lands on an island and they’re stranded there with no adults, no society, and no rules. Simon is one of the few characters that stay sensible and good throughout the story. He has a sixth sense about things happening around him, heRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1288 Words   |  6 PagesIn Lord of the Flies there is a lot of leadership,order, and civilization. William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 and died June 19, 1993. Lord of the Flies was a novel that was published on September 17, 1954. This novel is about a group of boys stranded on an isla nd. The boys worked together to find things so they can get help. The boys all were scared at first but Ralph being the leader got all the boys to calm down and relax so he could find ideas to help me get off the island. It willRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1161 Words   |  5 Pages The novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, written by William Golding, follows a group of british schoolboys on their fight for survival. After their plane crashed on an island, the boys must work quickly and alert someone of their whereabouts. The main character, Ralph, opens the story as â€Å"a fair boy† meaning the favourite or the most promising of a group. Leading the boys was a job Ralph took on proudly and all was sain in the world. The boys aren’t on the island long before the idea of order starts to fadeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1009 Words   |  5 PagesFor centuries people have accepted living side by side with good and evil, as they will for years to come. This philosophy is demonstrated in the allegorical novel, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding. Set in an unknown time period, during an atomic war, in which, the attempt to take a group of schoolboys to safety fails and they crash into a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean instead. As the boys realize there is no adult survivors, they celebrate their newfound freedom and try to establishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis940 Words   |  4 PagesAll people have evil inside them, sometimes deep enough for it to not come out. William Golding’s novel Lord of The Flies theme is that all people have evil inside them, and only rules and order can keep them from acting upon it. Ralph’s character disputes this theory because of his knowledge and wisdom, him seeking civilization and his leadership skills. Ralph seeking for civilization helps prove that he is not leaning towards the evil inside him. For example, the signal fire which is used toRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1368 Words   |  6 PagesPicture life today without a structured government: no morals, no laws, and no persecution. People would be able to act however they wanted, without thinking about the consequences. In his novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses characters and symbols to provide a complex perspective on the lack of society and its effect on people’s behavior. Golding himself served in the military for five years, and he fuels the plot with his own experiences with corruption. In the text, a pack of BritishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1109 Words   |  5 Pages Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is known as a novel in which each character symbolizes deep, abstract ideas. Throughout this narrative, we see the concept of analogy portrayed by the three main ch aracters. All though they do not realize it, these characters represent everyday ideas of the human race such as civilization, rationalism, and inhumanity. The foremost characters, Ralph, Piggy, and Jack, each symbolize a human quality as they display their distinctive character traits throughout

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bottle nosed dolphins Essay Example For Students

Bottle nosed dolphins Essay BOTTLE-NOSEDDOLPHIN Bottle-nosed dolphins are named for their snouts, which distinctly set off from the head, like the neck of a bottle. The animals are generally dark gray or black above, with a lighter belly. The length of an adult varies, from 6 and a half feet to 13 feet. Bottle-nosed dolphins have a prominent, curved dorsal fin with a thin trailing edge that readily tatters. Bottle-nosed dolphins are coastal in most areas and remain in groups less than 20, although off shore varieties also exist in many places and, in deep water, groups can be as large as 200. Some populations make seasonal migrations. Bottle-nosed dolphins are often considered the most adaptable of the cetaceans beacouse they live a amid industrial activity around harbors and ship channels in many parts of the world. There is some evidence for polygamous mating, in which there is no over aggressive competition by either males or females for access to mates. After a gestation period of about 12 months, a single calf is born. Calves nurse up to 18 months. Bottle-nosed dolphins feed on many different types of prey, including shrimp, squid, other invertebrates, and fishes. The dolphins feed by nosing into near- shore rocky crevasses, by chasing fish onto mudbanks and snapping them up while they are beached, or by cooperatively herding prey into dense clusters, sometimes against a shore or up to the surface of the water. Dolphins have an unusual way of fighting. Dolphins use there hard bottle like snout to crush its enemys bones, the enemy does not die instantly, the enemy dies of starvation because it cannot catch its preyWords/ Pages : 282 / 24

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Literature. Workshop Review Essay Example

Literature. Workshop Review Paper Essay on Literature. Workshop How to learn to read the book for the benefit of themselves? The olichaetsya feedback from the review, and the report by the abstract? How to analyze works of literature that is, on the one hand, it does not become a simple retelling or naive interpretation, and on the other hand, would not be a post-mortem examination, after which you can read books, but disgusting? These questions are answered by the authors of the workshop Starts manual with clear, simple guidelines that can be followed and the language student and a regular student (by the way, there are very useful, for example, to develop their own litter system). Then predagayutsya remarkable materials: poetry and questions to them (there are jobs, and for prose, and dramticheskih). Here illustrative examples: a section on analysis of a poem GR Derzhavin Monument, contains the poem itself, poems Lomonosov, Pushkin, Fet, Bryusov, which are also free transcriptions of the famous works of Horace, about their findings ( Whose version, in your opinion, is closer to the translation of Lomonosov, and whose poem to GRDerzhavin? What do you think, why the poets of different eras have treated this poem? Just given 16 questions.). If we are talking about Dying Gladiator MV Lermontov, the authors propose three transfers (this work of Byron): VI Shchastny, NV Berg, VV Levik We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A separate section -. Working with critical articles such classics as Dob, Druzhinin, Pisarev, Fears It is noteworthy that the authors seek to present the literature in the context of other arts and offer system works with illustrations for the Product of the literature. For todays reader the picture is so important that love painting, poets Ends manual of similar synchronistic table:. The most important historical and cultural events, literature, art, music, cinema . very simvolichnoym seemed decoration: the famous painting by Nesterovs Vision lad Varfalomeyu, has received finally the sweetness of knowledge .

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay

buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay The post-AIDS movement has seen major items that are used being kicked out of advertisement due to their negative effects to the contemporary world where we have people that are affected by the AIDS pandemic. The negative effect of sex revolution to people living with AIDS has seen these items that have a relative relationship with sexual acts, but have the relative importance ion the diagnosis of this disease. The advertisement of things that are directly involved with sex can have a negative impact to youth as a thing like condom advertisement on TV will influence them to be engaged in sexual activities. This can enhance sexual activity among the youths and can lead to unprotected sex which definitely will result to contracting the deadly diseases that the advertisement was targeting. Parents have to take action in educating their children about safe sex when they attain the age that is suitable to be educated. Items that have to be used in the treatment or the diagnosis of conditi ons that are with the people are easily advertised due to the fact that they do not directly touch on sex that is widely seen as a taboo. Due to the fact that prostitution in some instances is viewed to be against the morals of the society, it can also be viewed as an occupation like any other as there is provision of employment to those involved in the act. Thus, the issue of prostitution should not be taken lightly as to a much extent; it is a contributor to the economy thus enhancement of money circulation and also the payment of taxes to the government. Money that is generated from this profession finds its way to the economy through purchasing of other consumer goods. Due to the high percentage of abuse to the profession by the members of the population, the government should provide adequate laws that safeguard the rights of the prostitutes. Thus indulgence to prstitution one has to overcome the many cases that are associated with the profession. The prostitutes need to be provided with benefits of both health and retirement as their occupation was positively contributing to the economy. There should also be enhancements of programs that educate these prostitutes of the importance of practicing safe sex with their clients to avert the dangers that are involved with the unprotected sex. The power of knowledge lies primarily through gathering of information from the various types of media in the world. The dissemination of information to the general public helps them to acquire certain information that brings a lot of benefit to their lives. The spread of malady can be minimized when information that concerns its spread is relayed to the population as they become aware of the means and ways to which the epidemic is spreading and thus they are equipped with the mechanisms of curbing it. The dissemination of information to the population particularly through TV has helped in wiping of ignorance and arrogance that thrive within peoples minds. Media plays an important role in the diagnosis of information to the population at the right time thus enhancing their preparedness of any occurrence of an epidemic. They have the power and the courage that is required to face the epidemic as the information reaches to them within the shortest time. The information acts as a guide in the management of the epidemics and this provide an avenue for preventing further spread of the epidemic. The information thus provide an avenue for the populations decisions making using information at hand and the action taken which usually results to the minimization of the spread. Legalization of prostitution can play a major role in contributing to the economy as this practice is medieval, and the direct contribution to the economy is minimal with criminal acts that are associated with the illegal prostitution. Legalizing of prostitution prevents the underground prostitution which has the effects of forced prostitution and the introduction of the minors to the profession. The act of prostitution will therefore be effectively managed instead of it being ignored as the case of it being illegal. The crime figures that are always organized will not be able to treat their workers as subhuman and they will be unable to control women as this will give the prostitutes the equal right as the ordinary women have been accorded. Prostitution is a personal choice and will be open under the philosophy of free and dynamic society. The minors will not be forced to prostitution as the occupation will be highly organized thus enabling the law enforcers to monitor its activiti es and it will be easier for them to detect any minors involvement in the profession. The reality shows can be used to play an important role to the fight against the HIV pandemic and the sex revolution of the post-AIDS movements that has been seen to be rising. The pops that are hosted relatively points out to areas that can have significant impacts to this fight against HIV as they can improve in the fight if they are applied, even though some would not be having an impact for some time. The population is made aware of the possibilities of methods that can be applied to the fight and thus forming a culture that is aware of the effects of HIV, and joining hand in hand to fight the pandemic. Their arguments concerning the fight do contribute to the fight as they bring out points that are necessary in enhancing the fight. The pops in the reality shows usually provide powerful messages to the population through the shows which in reality have a great impact to the fight and also equip the masses with the necessary information that enhance their fight if they are effecti vely applied. Buy custom The Post-AIDS Movement essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lies essays

Lies essays James W. Loewen is an educator who went to college at Carleton University and furthered his education receiving his PhD in sociology at Harvard University. He began his teaching career at Tougaloo University in Mississippi, but would move on to the University of Vermont to teach sociology for twenty years. He has written numerous books studying the way Americans remember their past. Prior to writing Lies My Teacher Told Me, he prepared for the book by studying twelve principal U.S. History textbooks at the Smithsonian Institution for two years. He found the textbooks to be extremely plain, highly nationalistic and misleading. Loewen feels more voices and opinions need to be heard in our history textbooks. He feels besides the authors take on a historical event/period others should be heard. The teacher should give their interpretation, original documents involving the periodevent should be consulted, other experts opinions should be included and other voices be heard via the i nternet. Loewen believes, as he says at the end of the book, that fewer topics need to be taught and examined more thoroughly in elementary and high school. He feels the Civil War, the U.S. Constitution, and the Reconstruction period are very important historical topics that should be covered, but overall Loewen believes teachers should cover between 30-100 topics a year that excite them and that they feel students should know. Overall, Loewen considers all American historical topics/events important as long as they are taught in a realistic manner not idealistic, so students have a better understanding of their history for college and life. James Loewens Lies My Teacher Told Me discusses American History and the inaccuracies being taught to children in Americas schools. He declares that American students know less about their own history than any other sub ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Education Platform and Learning Theory Assignment

Education Platform and Learning Theory - Assignment Example Often memory is fallible and hugely unreliable upon first encounter with information and the importance of continuous and repeated study and practice to enhance memory of content can never be over emphasized. This makes exercise a principle of learning, core in daily undertakings with students. In his book, Thorndike mentions the principle of exercise and states that, that which is often repeated and revised is remembered best and I strongly agree. Primacy also, as a law of learning insists that the state of being first creates a strong impression in that the first experience a learner has with a particular subject matter often sticks and has therefore to be positive and form basis of what is to follow. For example, unlearning and retracting a wrong first impression can be difficult and confusing to the students and may even put the teacher’s mastery of subject to question; a situation that must be avoided (Thorndike and Gates, 1929). ... Greater freedom on the other hand means greater advancement and often stimulates personal responsibility. An Ideal Educator As stated in Guthrie’s Encyclopedia of Education, an ideal educator, above all else, must have adequate, if not thorough, knowledge and command of content, subject and curriculum of study. This also involves diverse knowledge on related subjects and any questions that may arise from the students, relevant or not, should be handled with relative ease and competence. An ideal educator must be one who loves to read and remain ever abreast with the subject; constantly updating themselves (Guthrie, 2003). He/ she ought also to be patient as students have different abilities and the slow ones may have as much or even more desire to learn as the skilled. An ideal educator should have integrity and be a good role model for the students. This ranges from good, decent, and neat dressing to strong rapport with students and fellow educators, good tone, friendly and a n appropriate sense of humor. They should be fair and not appearing to favor anyone, engaging, interactive, listening and able to drive the students toward more creative and critical thinking. Good oral and writing skill together with self confidence as such from facial expressions and a positive attitude are critical too and are a major plus (Guthrie, 2003). Ideal Education Work Environment A suitable educational environment would be one that makes me, fellow employees as well as students feel good about coming to work and study and at ease and peace with the students, teachers and auxiliary staff across the board. This promotes a sense of community

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Carbon Tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Carbon Tax - Essay Example That is to say firms have decided to go green in the sense that they have had to make some changes in their industries to avoid the heavy tax imposed on them due to the carbon dioxide emissions (Yamin, 2005, p.244) Firstly, the firms have decided to switch to the use of windmills and solar panels for the generation of electricity, which are energy saving equipment and facilities and are less polluting sources of energy. Also, due to the introduction of the carbon tax, firms have decided to dispose of hydroflouralcarbon (HFC) refrigerators that are well known to produce more greenhouse gases than any other fridge. They have decided to replace them with natural refrigeration systems that are commercially available. In addition, due to these taxes, extremely expensive firms have decided to give their employees at least one day in a week to reduce carbon emissions from cars; hence, reducing global warming (Piersall, 2007, p.65) Firms have also made a decision of moving to a paperless technology, which requires keeping electronic records and this makes work easier, and it is perfect for the forests. The firms have also resorted to planting of trees around their companies, which will help suck in the Carbon dioxide, in the air. There is the introduction of virtual meeting in most firms and these is done through online conferencing that is free and easy to use, it saves on time and reduces the use of cars to arrive at the meeting. Also, most firms are now using the electronic mails instead of the traditional mail by posters and this has also reduced the use of papers; hence, being friendly to the environment (Piersall, 2007, p.65). Carbon tax will make the Australian companies find difficulty in competing with other nations in the region. It means the companies are locked in because they do have the option of taking their business offshore. There will also be a significant impact on small and medium

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Martha Stewart Lost Reputation Essay Example for Free

Martha Stewart Lost Reputation Essay Martha Stewart places her name on her products. She becomes the face of her company and the voice of her brand. When her personal misconduct occurred, she made her company vulnerable and risky as well. This case study examines how Martha Stewart managed her corporate communication when her public image and reputation were tarnished on trial for alleged insider trading scandal. The trial not only led her to prison but also hurt her brand equity. The study shows that Stewart’s early response to her crisis demonstrated lack of situation awareness. In the beginning of her investigation, she kept her public persona intact, ignoring or downplaying her role in it. As a result, what Stewart called â€Å"a small personal matter† later became a full -blown crisis. If she had managed her communication in a more timely manner, the magnitude of her crisis might have been minimized. This article also provides detailed insights for organizations to learn from her crisis response strategies. Keywords: Organizational crisis, Crisis communication, Image restoration 1. Introduction The personalities of strong business leaders can help shape and enhance their corporate image. In some cases, the leaders become the virtual icon of the corporate brand, lendi ng their personal prestige to the brand and personifying the company. They can also threaten the company when they are involved in a scandal. In this situation, the consequences for the company can be critical as in the Martha Stewart’s insider trading crisis in the United States. The crisis management scholar, Roux-Dufort (2000) points out that corporate crises as â€Å"a privileged moment during which to understand things differently† (p. 26). As such, there is a growing body of literature on organizational learning in the wake of corporate crisis (Mitroff, 2002; Shrivastava, 1998). The Stewart case, in particular, drew the attention of media for years. The crisis of Martha Stewart’s insider trading raised the issue about the Martha Stewart’s multiplatform franchise; that is, the media world and homemaking business are intricately interwoven with her persona. Stewart’s empire has an impressive business synergy as shown by her TV programs that promote her magazines, her website which sells her products, and her p roducts which are a link to her TV programs. She is the face, voice and personality behind the brand and, thus, the two – Stewart and the brand – are inseparable. After Stewart’s personal misconduct, the interlocking nature of her business proved to be vulnerable and risky. Moreover, Stewart’s crisis had both legal and public relations components (Jerome, Moffitt, Knudsen, 2007). Allegations of insider trading against Martha Stewart led to her imprisonment. Her strategic plan in response to the insider trading accusations and the media attention su rrounding this crisis left Stewart trying to take action to restore her image. In a sense, it is important to understand how Stewart herself and her company managed their corporate communication when her public image and reputation were tarnished under the investigation of the insider trading scandal. This article explores how the high profile iconic Martha Stewart responded when confronted with an organizational crisis that threatened existence. It also provides detailed insights for organizations to learn from her crisis response strategies. 2. Background of Martha Stewart’s Insider Trading Beginning with the 1982 publication of her book Entertaining, Martha Stewart made a name for herself as a homemaking diva. In September 1997, Stewart became chairperson, president, and CEO of her new company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol MSO since 1999. As the chief of MSO, Stewart used her name and face to make connections with various businesses including a line of housewares, television shows, radio channels, magazines and a series of books on entertaining. On December 27, 2001, Stewart sold 3,928 shares of her ImClone stock worth US$228,000 the day before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected approval of Erbitux, ImClone’s anti -cancer drug. By selling ahead of the FDA rejection, Stewart received about US$45,000 more than if she had sold the stocks later. Compared to her wealth, it was certainly an insignificant sum and in fact, during her Larry King Live interview, she said it was â€Å"miniscule, really, about 0.006 percent of my net worth† (Four nier, 2004). Stewart had denied any wrongdoing, insisting she did not receive any advance knowledge from Sam Waksal, the founder and CEO of ImClone about the decision on Erbitux (Pollack, 2002). Instead, her sale of ImClone stock was part of a predetermined plan to sell if shares fell below US$60. Later, Stewart was officially indicted on charges of securities fraud and obstructing justice related to her sale of ImClone stock on March 5, 2004. Judge Cedarbaum dismissed the securities fraud charge against S tewart, saying prosecutors had failed to present enough evidence on the issue (Masters White, 2004). However, obstruction of justice, charges of conspiracy, and making false statements remained. Stewart served a five-month prison sentence between October 8, 2004 and March 4, 2005 for these charges. On August 7, 2006, Martha Stewart reached an agreement with the securities’ regulators over the insider-trading civil charges and agreed to pay US$195,000 to settle a five-year legal battle. 3. Literature Review Crisis events can and do strike organizations of all types. Every kind of organization, from larger organizations to small family owned businesses, have the potential of being a victim of crisis (Seeger, Sellnow, Ulmer, 2003). In many circumstances, crisis immediately raises questions from an organization’s many different publics (Marra, 1998). In this view, for an organization to manage the effects of a crisis it must communicate to both internal and external stakeholders. Ulmer, Sellnow, and Seeger (2007) suggest all crises involve the general communication strategies of reducing uncertainty, responding to the crisis, resolving it, and learning from it. The ability to communicate quickly and effectively is clearly an important component of successfu l crisis management. Effective crisis communication can not only defuse or eliminate crisis, but it can sometimes bring an organization a more positive reputation than before the crisis occurred (Kauffman, 2005). On the other hand, Marra (1998) argues if an organization fails to respond to a crisis in the correct manner, a bad situation can be made worse. Hence, crisis communication strategies can substantially diminish the harm caused by a crisis or magnify the harm if mismanaged. In this study, the stream of crisis response models from communication scholars and public relations professionals (Benoit, 1995; Coombs, 1999, 2007) are utilized as the theoretical framework to interpret the crisis response strategies that Martha Stewart employed in her insider trading crisis. According to Benoit (1995), firms or individuals may take preventative and restorative approaches to image problems. Five strategies (i.e., denial, evasion of responsibility, reduction of the offensiveness of the act , corrective action, and mortification) make up the rhetoric or image repair discourse. Each of these strategies has a set of tactics within them. Denial is the strategy employed when the rhetor simply chooses to deny the actions he is being accused of or shift the blame from the organization to outside individuals or agencies. The second strategy is evasion of responsibility is the strategy that the rhetor can blame circumstances beyond his control. It consists of four possible tactics: provocation, defeasibility, accident and good intentions. Benoit’s third major image restoration strategy, occurs when the rhetor attempts to reduce the degree of offensiveness experienced by the accuser. To this end, Benoit includes six tactics: bolstering, minimization, differentiation, transcendence, attacking the accuser, and compensation. The fourth category of the typology is corrective action, which attempts to correct the situation rather than counterbalance it. The final image restoration strategy, mortification, requires the rhetor to take responsibility for the action and to issue an apology. Benoit and colleagues have applied the model to a variety of different crisis situations. For instance, Benoit and Brinson (1994) analyzed ATT’s defense following an interruption of its long-distance service in New York in September of 1991. Initially, ATT tried to shift blame to low-level workers. As the complete story emerged, however, ATT apologized for the interruption (mortification) and began to bolster its image by stressing its commitment to excellence, the billions of dollars invested in service, and the quality of its employees. Finally, ATT promised corrective action and introduced a comprehensive review of its operations to anticipate and prevent further problems. It also stressed its commitment to providing excellent service and its willingness to spend billions of dollars to do so. Given these corrective action strategies, ATT’s finally restored its image. Benoit (1995) also examined Union Carbide’s response to the Bhopal, India, gas leak that kille d thousands and injured hundreds of thousands. Union Carbide’s primary strategies, bolstering and corrective action, were focused on four specific actions: a relief fund, an orphanage, medical supplies, and medical personnel. Although these strategies were appropriate and timely, Benoit claimed that Union Carbide failed to address the most important question: What were they doing to prevent another tragedy? Coombs (1999, 2007) develops situational crisis communication theory, creating 10 categories of basic organizational crisis communication strategies. These strategies are further grouped into four posture: 1) â€Å"denial posture† including attack the accuser (confronting person claiming a crisis occurred), denial ( asserting no crisis), and scapegoat (shifting the blame to others outside the organization), with an attempt to eliminate the crisis by denying its existence or the organization’s responsibility for the crisis; 2) â€Å"diminishment posture† which takes the forms of excuse (denying intend to do harm or claiming inability to control) and justification (minimizing severity of damage) with the purpose of weakening the link between the crisis and the organization by claiming the crisis is not the organization’s fault; 3) â€Å"rebuilding posture† of compensation (providing money or other gifts to the victims) and apology (taking full responsibility), which strives to restore legitimacy by seeking public approval and forgiveness; and 4) â€Å"bolstering posture† which includes reminder (telling stakeholders about its past good works), ingratiation (praising stakeholders and/or reminds them of past good works) and victimage (reminding stakeholders that the organization is a victim of the crisis, too). Using Coombs’s typology of crisis response strategies, Wilcox and Cameron (2006) examined the case of Intel. In 1993, Intel initially denied there was a problem with its Pentium 586 chip. As the crisis was covered in the mainstream press, Intel used the justification strategy by assuring that the problem was not serious enough to warrant replacing the chips. It minimized the concerns of consumers. In fact, Intel mismanaged the handling of its crisis communication. First, it did not disclose to the public the information about the Pentium flaw when they initially realized there was a problem. Then when the problem finally did come out into the open, they downplayed it instead of helping the users who had purchased the flawed chips. After considerable damage had been done to Intel’s reputation and IBM had suspended orders for the chip, Intel took corrective action to replace the chips. Subsequently, Andy Grove, Intel’s president, issued a full apology. Based on Benoit’s image repair theory and Coombs’s typology of crisis response st rategies, the following research questions are posited: RQ 1. What strategies did Martha Stewart use to manage her insider trading crisis? RQ 2. Were these strategies effective or ineffective? RQ 3. What can we learn from Martha Stewart case? 4. Methodology The case study is employed in this study, as it is effective in illustrating public relations management in real situations (Hendrix, 2004). According to Yin (1994), the six sources of evidence that are typically associated with the case study include documents, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant -observation, and physical artifacts. In this study, texts documenting Stewart’s discourse in response to incidents that threatened her image were collected from multiple sources. Specifically, this study used predominantly two types of data: documents and archival records. It began with gathering data and finding facts related to cases and defining the specific tasks. The actions and communication strategies used by Martha Stewart wer e reviewed with information from her corporate websites, press releases and media coverage. MSO is a publicly traded company. A look at the organizational archival records (e.g., stock prices, sales and annual reports) and official government records (e.g. , court records and commission reports) contributed to understand the impact of corporate scandals have had on the companies’ financial performance and their stakeholders. The media coverage on the Martha Stewart case was found through Lexis Nexis Academi c keyword search of â€Å"Martha Stewart insider trading† in The New York Times and The Washington Post. These newspapers were selected because of their large circulation, prominence and influence on public opinion. For the purpose of the valance of news narration in this study, the period of analysis covered two time frames (during the crisis and post crisis). The first time frame started from the trading day to the verdict, beginning in December, 2001 and running through March, 2004. The second time frame started from the day of sentencing to her release from prison, beginning on July 16, 2004 and running t hrough March 2005. Since the research questions of this study were related to crisis communication strategies, the unit of analysis of this case study was Martha Stewart’s response to stakeholders during and post crisis. Thus, the strategies were apparent through the types of evide nce. 14 By examining corporate communication employed by Martha Stewart during the crisis and post -crisis period, the procedures for analysis involved three steps. First, after the data were collected from multiple sources, a detailed timeline of relevant events leading up to the crisis itself, and the post-crisis process was created. For example, the chronological order of the Martha Stewart case was constructed in the following manner: 1) the investigation (January, 2002 June, 2003); 2) indictment (June – December, 2003); 3) verdict (January May, 2004); 4) sentencing (June – July, 2004); 5) in prison (October, 2004); and 6) release from prison (March, 2005). Second, after the chronological order of actual events was refined, a narrative description and process analysis of each event was thus constructed. A worksheet served as an organizing tool for evaluating each event. All data collected were analyzed using the typology of crisis response strategy. Finally, a thick descript ion and analysis of the findings of each research question was conducted. 5. Analysis of Martha Stewart’s Crisis Response Strategies 5. 1 Investigation The story about Martha Stewart’s ImClone stock sale was broken to the public in the Wall Street Journal on June 7, 2002 (Adams Anand, 2002). In the article, her lawyer, John Savarese, indicated that Stewart had set the price at US$60 for selling the stock but in fact, as of June 7, 2002, the stock price of ImClone sank to a low US$8.45 a share. Using the strategy of differentiation, Savarese further was trying to put distance between Stewart and Sam Waksal. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that she spoke to Sam, or had any information from anybody from ImClone during that week †¦ I am absolutely sure that there was no communication of any kind between her and Sam, no passing of any information from him to her. (Adams Anand, 2002, p. B2) On June 12, 2002, Waksal was arrested for insider trading and soon after, the stock price of MSO plunged 12 percent, closing at US$15. From June 6, 2002, when congressional investigators started looking into Stewart’s sale of ImClone shares, the stock price of MSO had dropped 22 percent. Stewart immediately denied any insider trading or wrongdoing and, in a public statement, she said she knew nothing about the pending FDA announcement. She claimed that when the share price dropped below US$60 – the level at which she had agreed with her broker – she returned a call from her broker and sold the s hares on December 27, 2001. She acknowledged that after the trade, she immediately called Waksal but could not reach him, and he did not call her back. The message she left read: â€Å"Martha Stewart called. Something is going on with ImClone and she wants to know what† (Hays, 2002a, p. C1). She proclaimed her innocence in her statement: â€Å"In placing my trade, I had no improper information. My transaction was entirely lawful† (White, 2002, p. E1). However, the congressional investigator questioned Stewart’s sale, noting that ImClone dropped below $60 at least once before while Stewart owned it (White, 2002). On June 18, 2002, Stewart tried to resolve concerns about her sale of ImClone shares and hired a new lawyer, James F. Fitzpatrick, who submitted several documents to congressional investigators. This was the first time Stewart used a strategy of corrective action as a response to the inquiries. On June 19, 2002, MSO stock rebounded sharply, climbing from US$2.05, to US$14.4 and then to US$16.45, suggesting that her corrective action was working. However, Ken Johnson, a spokesman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said the documents would help answer some questions but â€Å"we still don’t have an answer to the most nagging one: was Ms. Stewart’s pre-existing agreement to sell reached in late November, as she says, or in mid-December as some reports have indicated?† (Hays, 2002b, p. C7). On June 25, 2002, she appeared on CBS’s The Early Show, and when asked by the host, Jane Clayson, about the ImClone shares during a cooking segment, she replied while slicing a cabbage with a big knife. I’m involved in an investigation that has very serious implications. I have nothing to say on the matter. I’m really not at liberty to say. And as I said, I think this will be resolved in the very near future and I will be exonerated of any ridiculousness. And I just want to focus on my salad because that is why we’re here. (Clayson, 2002) Apparently, Stewart had no idea how to handle the situation and was unwilling to respond to the questions. She continued to dodge public inquiries and ignored the increasing outcry for answers about her role in the insider trading scandal.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Jury Nullification :: Jury Jurors Court Justice System Essays

Jury Nullification Jury nullification means that a jury finds a defendant innocent because the law itself is unjust, or is unjust in a particular application, and so should not be applied. So really what this means is that no mater what the law says the jury will pretty much have the right to choose weather the person is going to be guilty or innocent and that is kind of ok in some cases but then again its not in others so we should not expect our juries to judge our laws only the case that person is being tried in and they should only judge that person on all of the facts given. Amendment VI This is the sixth amendment and this tells you about what juries can do in cases of law. â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.† What all of this means is that everyone that gets convicted of a crime gets all of the same benefits weather its a misdemeanor, felony, or capital crime. Everyone get the rights to a speedy trial and an impartial jury. Some of the people in the world always ask themselves this question when in the court room â€Å" WHY DID OUR FOUNDING FATHERS EXPECT CITIZEN JURIES TO JUDGE OUR LAWS AS WELL AS THE GUILT OF THE INDIVIDUAL ?† Well the answer is really simple its Because: "If a juror accepts as the law that which the judge states then that juror has accepted the exercise of absolute authority of a government employee and has surrendered a power and right that once was the citizen's safeguard of liberty." (1788) (2 Elliots Debates, 94, Bancroft, History of the Constitution, 267) "Jury nullification of law", as it is sometimes called, is a traditional American right defended by the Founding Fathers. Those Patriots intended the jury serve as one of the tests a law must pass before it assumes enough popular authority to be enforced. Thus the Constitution provides five separate tribunals with veto power -- representatives, senate, executive, judges and jury -- that each enactment of law must pass be fore it gains the authority to punish those who choose to violate it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Employee Rights and Property Searches Essay

Mopak Corporation performed a search for drugs and guns on the employees and contract workers vehicles with the assistance of a private security company and drug detection dogs. In the search, guns were found, but not drugs, in several vehicles. At the completion of the search, five employees along with ten contract workers whose vehicles where the weapons were found were terminated, due to the corporation’s belief that the employees violated the company policy. The terminated workers immediately sued Mopak for wrongful termination. Though mostly in the United States employees are â€Å"at-will† employees, the arguments for wrongful termination the employees from Mopak can make in their suit is that Mopak performed an unreasonable search of their vehicles, violating their expectation of privacy. The search was made without a warrant and violated their Fourth Amendment Rights. (Lawyer. com, 2013) The contract workers are bound by contracts that may have an at-will clause in it, in which case they, like the regular employees, can be terminated at-will. Even though when there is a contract, written or oral, it’s based on a promise of job security, but with an at-will clause, contract workers may either leave a contract job or be terminated from a contract job at-will. †Employers often, and legitimately, ask employees to sign contracts or agreements that document and enforce the terms of at will employment, usually in company policy manuals. † (Lawyersandsettlements. com, 2013, para. ) The arguments that Mopak Corporation will make in response to the wrongful termination suit are that in the employees’ policy manual, handbooks or contracts reflect that the employee and/or contract workers must agree to random vehicle searches, random drug testing, and an at will clause for employment; that when signed by the employees and/or contract workers, it becomes binding, implied, or implied-in-fact contracts. In the 1988 decision of landmark case Foley vs. Interactive Data Corp. it brought to light that employees enter into implied-in-fact contracts with the acceptance of great merit reviews, promotions, raises, and with verbal assurances of job security. I believe the Mopak Corporation would win. I do not believe that a corporation with so much to lose would perform an illegal search of employee’s vehicles. They must have in the company’s policy manual that such an act would be permissible once the employees and contract workers sign that they have rea d and agreed to the terms and condition of the policy and/or contracts.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Does Music Affect Our Lives

How Does Music Affect Our Lives: The Connection between Communication and Music Music is present throughout our lives, from the moment we wake up and hear that song that starts our day off, to that song that reminds us of that relationship we once had with that special someone, or a song that a city uses as its anthem for it’s sports team or a song that a country listens to, that helps comfort them in a time of tragedy and loss. Music helps us communicate and relate to things when we can not find the words to help us express our feelings. When we have had a tragedy in our lives some people turn to alcohol, drugs, or something else to get rid of a terrible memory. After the attacks of September 11th music was used as instrument in rebuilding the lives of the many New Yorkers who had lost loved ones, or had witnessed the horrific events. Bruce Springsteen was one artist that released an album at this time; the album was titled The Rising. This album conveyed the feelings of the citizens of New York City. Some of the tracks were titled, â€Å"Into the Fire†. â€Å"You’re Missing† and â€Å"Lonesome Day† We also had Sir Paul McCartney’s Freedom a song that was used as a memorial for the 9/11 attacks. Another band that helped heal the wounds of 9/11 was U2. Since the beginning they have written songs that reach a wide variety of fans from all over the world. One song that sticks out is, â€Å"Pride (In the Name of Love)† these lyrics talk about many great figures throughout history, including Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi. These are some of those lyrics. One man come in the name of love One man come and go One man come, he to justify One man to overthrow In the name of love What more in the name of love In the name of love What more in the name of love One man caught on a barbed wire fence One man he resist One man washed on an empty beach. One man betrayed with a kiss In the name of love What more in the name of love In the na me of love What more in the name of love Early morning, April 4 Shot rings out in the Memphis sky Free at last, they took your life They could not take your pride†¦ (U2 The Unforgettable Fire, 1984 Island Records) Music is also used at funerals as a send off into the next life or as a testament to the life of that person. My uncle was murdered in the fall of 2002. Everyone including my grandmother took it hard. They song my cousin chose for her father was Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Music has been there for me when I have no one to talk to. In the book Popular Music and Communication by James Lull there is a paragraph that explains musicians and how they communicate to their fans, â€Å"Popular musicians are loved, even worshiped, not only for their abilities to write songs and perform them publicly, but for their ability to â€Å"speak† to their audiences. Even an artist whose only contact with the audience is through the sale of millions of compact discs and tapes communicates â€Å"personally† with each listener† Pg. 33 of Popular Music and Communication by James Lull Sage Publications, C 1992. Everyone has a soundtrack to their lives and I found the first part of mine in 2000 with an album by a band named Papa Roach. My mother and father are separated; there divorce was based on the fact that my father was abusive towards my mother. The one song I could strongly relate to on that album was a song titled â€Å"Broken Home† I can't seem to fight these feelings I'm caught in the middle of this My wounds are not healing I'm stuck in between my parents I wish I had someone to talk to Someone to I could confide in†¦ Broken home All alone I know my mother loves me But does my father even care If I'm sad or angry You were never ever there When I needed you I hope you regret what you did I think I know the truth Your father did the same to you†¦ (Infest, Papa Roach, April 25, 2000, DreamWorks Records) When I heard this song it really opened my eyes, for the past sixteen years of my life I never knew that my fathers father had left when he was very young, it was a revelation to me, that this man who is my grandfather, that I have only seen a few times in my life, and my father were one in the same. After recently ending a relationship with someone that had truly changed my life I continue to listen to this song from a popular punk rock Band MxPx. The song is about someone giving up on girls and relationships and joining G. S. F. â€Å"Girls Schmirls Foundation† â€Å"You didn't have to be so mean to me I guess now I see how it's gonna be I'm joining GSF, I've made up my mind Forget this thing called love, it's a waste of time Girls ain't no good anymore, anyway! Not for one second have I understood Why they do what they do, why they say what they say Always happens to my friends, it always happens to me It's taken me 19 years to finally see She said â€Å"Can we just be friends? It's just not working out. † Another broken heart that I can do without Girls ain't no good anymore, anyway! Not for one second have I understood Why they do what they do, why they say what they say† Many of my friends say that they can relate to how I feel and the song is a good way for me to get my feelings out and to show that girl she hurt me. Music is also used to help boost morale in teams and fans at sporting events. Once a Spurs fan hears, â€Å"Are You Ready for This? † they automatically begin to get hyped for the preceding game. The same is at football games, especially college football games. When the fans at Texas State hear â€Å"Go Bobcats† they automatically get on there feet and begin to participate in the hand gestures and sing the chorus. The football team, whether win, lose or draw will be on that field singing the Alma Mater. There are those fan jams that are required at any sporting event, such as Queens â€Å"We Will Rock You† and â€Å"We are the Champions† Music is used at these events to get a crowd hyped and the teams pumped and excited that they are playing in front of a large group of people that believe in them. As you can see Music is all around us. It is apart of our lives. It helps us express our feelings towards other people, it helps us to close old wounds made by tragic events, it also give us a reason to cheer and sporting events, but the most important thing music gives us is a voice, a reason, a definition of who we real are. Bibliography 1. McLaughlin, Terence. Music and communication, New York, St. Martin's Press [1971, c1970] 2. Lull, James. Popular music and communication, Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications, c1992. 3. Lynyrd Skynrd. Lynryd Skynrd, MCA Records, c 1973 4. Papa Roach. Infest, DreamWorks Records, c April 25, 2000 5. Paul McCartney. Freedom, Capitol Records, c November 13, 2001 6. U2. The Unforgettable Fire, Island Records, c 1984 7. MxPx GSF, At The Show, Tooth and Nail Records, c. July 27, 1999

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Start an After School Club

How to Start an After School Club A childs education does not take place only in the classroom, during regular school hours. The home, the playground, and the school campus, in general, can all be invaluable settings for a childs personal and scholastic growth. One way to enhance a students school experience is through extracurricular activities such as clubs. At the elementary school level, some appropriate, enjoyable, and educationally beneficial themes might be: Creative WritingBooks and ReadingChess and Other Board GamesOutdoor SportsCollecting and Other HobbiesMusic, Drama, and ChorusArts and Crafts (knitting, drawing, etc.)Anything else that fits the interests of your schools population Or, consider starting a club about the latest fad (for example, Pokemon a few years ago). Even though these extremely popular fads can also be annoying to adults, theres no denying that they do inspire boundless passion in the imaginations of a wide range of children. Perhaps, a Pokemon club could involve creative writing, original games, books, and songs about those colorful little creatures. Surely such a club would be bursting with enthusiastic young members! Now, once youve decided on the topic, consider the technicalities of starting a new club on campus. Here are some things to consider once youve determined the type of club youd like to start at your elementary school campus: Get permission from the schools administration to start the club on campus. Also, designate the time, place, and supervising adult(s) for the club. Look for commitment and set it in stone, if possible.Determine the age group that would be included as members of the club. Perhaps kindergarteners are too young? Would sixth graders be too cool for the concept? Narrow down your target population, and youll simplify the process right off the bat.Take an informal survey of how many students might be interested. Maybe you could place a half-sheet of paper in the teachers mailboxes, asking them to take a show of hands in their classroom.Depending on the results of the informal survey, you might want to consider placing a limit on the number of members to be initially accepted to the club. Consider the number of adults that will be able to attend the meetings to supervise and help out consistently. Your club will fail to meet its objectives if there are too many kids to handle effectively. Speaking of objectives, what are yours? Why will your club exist and what will it set out to accomplish? You have two choices here: either you, as the adult facilitator, can determine the goals all on your own or, at the clubs first session, you can lead a discussion of club goals and use student input to list them.Design a permission slip to hand out to parents, as well as an application if you are having one. An after-school activity requires parent permission, so follow your schools rules to the letter on this topic.  Make a concrete plan for the first day and subsequent sessions, as possible. Its not worth holding a club meeting if it is disorganized and, as the adult supervisor, its your job to provide structure and direction. The number one principle in starting and coordinating a club at the elementary school level is to have fun! Give your students a positive and worthwhile first experience with extracurricular involvement. By creating a fun and functional school club, you will be setting your students on the path to a happy and fulfilled an academic career in middle school, high school, and beyond!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The role of the mentally ill and the dynamics of mental disorder A research framework

The role of the mentally ill and the dynamics of mental disorder A research framework Article Summary The paper presents a sociological theory on the cause of a steady mental disorder. Although the evidences in support of the theory are based on previous formulations, Scheff develops a precise sociological theory that attempts to explain the cause and path of a stable mental disorder.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The role of the mentally ill and the dynamics of mental disorder: A research framework specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Using the concepts of the social institution of insanity, residual deviance, the societal responsibility of the individual with mental illness, and the divergence of the societal response such as denial and labeling, Scheff constructs a theory of mental disorder in which the psychiatric signs are thought of as violations of social norms, and stable â€Å"mental illness† to be a social role (Scheff, 1999). Essential to this theory are 9 proposals that require exper imental processes. By restricting the forms of behavior that are to be covered, by basing the paper on previous findings, and by applying an entirely sociological approach (such as the theory of residual deviance), the author proposes a methodology in which the dynamics of mental disorder take place within the system consisting of the person exhibiting deviant behavior and those responding to it. According to the theory designed here, the basis for the initiation, maintenance and end of the deviant conduct referred to as mental disorder are parts of the social system, and cannot be separated, hence, from endopsychic forms of behavior. Fat is a Sociological Issue: Obesity rates in late modern, ‘bodyconscious’  societies This paper surveys the factors involved in the current spiraling of obesity rates in the contemporary society, focusing both upon the causes of the high prevalence rates and its effects. Crossley contends that rates of obesity have risen rapidly in the last two decades, causing some people to talk of an imminent crisis and compelling governments and health institution to react (Crossley, 2004). Many studies in the sociology of the body are centered on the social belief that certain ‘bodies’ are more acceptable than others, for example, slimness, fitness, and good health are socially acceptable practices. Proof of this assertion exists in the steadily rising number of health clubs in the UK and the corresponding number of subscriptions in the last decade.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another trend that exists next to exercise is that of dieting. Diet books are among bestseller listings, besides, food consumption in response to recommended diets are very significant. A large number of persons ascribe to weight watching clubs and associations, known as ‘body-conscious society’ (Crossley, 20 04). Body fat affects the BMI and a value of 20 -25 BMI value is deemed normal, a value less than 20 is deemed underweight while a value of 25-30 is considered overweight, with a value greater than 30 considered obese. Obesity varies with age, and narrowly with age and social class, with women at a higher risk of becoming obese. Due to the social concern, the author contends that the steadily rising rate of obesity is a social fact. This is evidenced in two ways, first, the statistics relating to obesity are normally given in societal perspectives, for example, obesity varies between individuals, and across societies, that is, it is a social variable. Secondly, the causative agent for the variation of obesity rates is social. Individual differences in levels of obesity, biological or psychosomatic, cannot be used to explicate on the variations in obesity rates. There are two broad causes of obesity: lifestyle and modernity. We do less physical exercise, live a sedentary lifestyle an d use several labor saving appliances at home and at work, consumption of high-calorie foods has increased both in frequency and quantity. It worthy to note that social changes leading to a rise in obesity are related to class and gender variations, this is proven by the fact that obesity is lower among the lower class. The latter sections of the paper attempts to explain the relation between body and society and how fluctuations of the rate of obesity affect the society (illness and early death). This paper targets a general population, especially one that is at a higher risk of becoming obese. This is derived from the fact that it informs of the causative agents of obesity and prevention. It may also be useful to sociologists trying to understand the link between body and the society. Fat Ethics’ – The Obesity Discourse and Body Politics The paper examines how facts about obesity are presented and availed to the public, and the ethical concerns arising from the publi c’s comprehension of obesity. Public understanding of obesity is frequently based on various sources of information that focus of cause and prevention of the disease, however, other health problems such as cancer do not receive similar coverage on the public domain, particularly relating to the ethical and moral elements.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The role of the mentally ill and the dynamics of mental disorder: A research framework specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Information availed to the public on the ‘obesity epidemic ’ through various media focuses on the grave effects of being obese, the scientific facts about obesity are restated to give authority and sureness to the allegations of the growing rates of the ‘epidemic’ (Rich Evans, 2005). In their attempts to give a grim picture of obesity, these reporters often err, for example, the link between weight, size, and healt h is not as significant as we are led to believe. It is obvious that obesity is a grave public concern with epidemic proportions, caused by failure to partake in physical exercises, consumption of fast foods, and alterations in our diets. While these are non-debatable scientifically proven facts, they are loaded with philosophies and cultural ideas about how we view ‘fatness’. A key characteristic arising from the obesity presentation is the weight accorded to ‘thinness’ and ‘weight loss’ as unanimously good. This belief arises from the perceived association between weight and health, the association far more complex as compared to the presentations in various media. Another discourse on obesity is on the morality of the body. Numerous reports take a communitarian approach that views the body as in need of protection. A communitarian approach has traditionally related harm to society not on individualistic terms, but by ‘rates of incidenc e’ of some trend, for example, obesity is associated with persons of a particular social class. Such a presentation leads to the notion that our body is in need of protection from thee government, businesses and the broad social forces. There are some discourses, however, that take a more humanistic view to weight, shape and value the range of body sizes, for example, a person may be fat and healthy. This discourse has gained acceptance widely after studies showed that obesity is not linked to excess mortality. However, these alternative views take a lower position. Because of the media discourse in the public arena, people overestimate their vulnerability to certain health condition and this may create a moral panic that stimulates disordered connections with food and body. This paper mainly targets persons who are obese or have obese children, relatives, or friends. Persons who give significant weight to the weight-health connection as it informs the reader that the connect ion is not as simple as thought. The paper enables a deeper understanding of the social nature of obesity and public discourses related to it. Connection between Body and Mind The main article presents a sociological approach to mental disorder (mind) while the two supplementary readings present a sociological approach to obesity (body). The two sets of papers increases an understanding of the connection between body and mind.Advertising Looking for report on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More While the sociological theory used on the first paper focuses on mental disorder, the theories adopted in the other two papers explain the phenomenon of obesity, drawing on various sources to explain the social aspect of obesity, that is, how it affects and is perceived by the society. The theory of residual deviance attempts to explain the cause and path of a stable mental disorder, integrating purely sociological elements to present a methodology that explains the perceived link between mental disorder and the society’s response to it. The other two readings also adopt a similar approach to explain the link between society and (social groups) and obesity. The first paper informs us that norms that arise from social systems, or are considered significant by social systems, such as labeling of mental disorder as deviant behavior, are hard to eliminate. Reading the two papers, we observe a similar trend that pits social beliefs, such as weight-health connection, against scient ific evidence that shows the two are not necessarily related. References Crossley, N. (2004). Fat is a Sociological Issue: Obesity rates in late modern, ‘bodyconscious’ societies. Social Theory Health, 3(2):222–253. Rich, E. Evans, J. (2005). Fat Ethics: The obesity discourse and body politics. Social  Theory Health, 3(4): 341-358. Scheff, T.J. (1999) The role of the mentally ill and the dynamics of mental disorder: A research framework, in Traub, S.H. Little, C.B. (Eds), Theories of Deviance. State University of New York at Cortland, NYC, pp. 397-415.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research Building a World-Class Information Security Department Paper

Building a World-Class Information Security Department - Research Paper Example As soon as the corporate security and risk framework has been established, it will be mapped into lower-level procedures for the implementation teams. The policies and architecture team will be required to not only construct the architecture but also help in managing and monitoring compliance with architecture and system policies. This area will be focused on the management of projects and resources for the information security group. It will be harnessed to ensure that necessary resources are assigned to projects and that timelines, service levels, and commitments from the security team are met. It will also be used to ensure that personnel are well-equipped and trained to execute their duties. The security team and its programs must be aligned to business requirements and needs; this will help in ensuring that oversight and governance are complied with (Dhillon 24). Many organizations have special security liaisons in the business, but their responsibilities are usually not a formal component of their job descriptions, or if they are, other operational duties take precedence over this bit part role. I will have a designated business liaison for every significant business segment or at least make it a significant part of the job responsibility so that these people are able to spend enough time knowing and responding to business requirements and needs. This area will be focused on and emphasized in order to ensure that security technologies and tools are employed in the current environment in accordance with architectural needs. In addition to this, this area will ensure that IT operations management tools and custom applications being deployed, such as log management and network management, have appropriate and adequate security built into them. For instance, there may be applications where access control is very important to guarantee network management tools that

Friday, November 1, 2019

Physical Affects of Eating Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Physical Affects of Eating Disorders - Essay Example Anorexia nervosa is one among the various eating disorders affecting both men and women these days. According to the Ohio State University Family and Consumer Sciences, "Food, calories, fat grams, weight, and weight management dominate the person's life and attempts to help are often ignored or met with denial or anger." ("What is anorexia") Anorexia nervosa was considered a distinct clinical entity when it was independently reported in 1874 by two physicians, Laseque and Gull. It was Gull who named the disorder "anorexia nervosa." He described extreme emaciation in young women, associated with increased activity, episodes of binge eating, amenorrhea and low body temperature. (Gold, 1990) Anorexia nervosa remains a disorder that primarily affects young women, with onset generally between the ages of 12 and 25 years. Epidemiologic studies in the United States and Europe have documented an increased incidence in young women. However, numerous cases of new onset anorexia in elderly men and women have been reported. (Gold, 1990) The prevalence of anorexia varies between 2 and 5 percent among adolescent and young adult women. The disorder carries a mortality rate of 5 percent in the first two years. Among untreated patients, mortality can approach 20 percent. A perfectionist lifestyle, punctuated by one or more performance-related stresses, predisposes to anorexia nervosa. (Gold, 1990) Physical Effects of Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa affects mainly young women and is characterized by refusal to maintain body weight, intense fear of gaining weight, and feelings of fatness even when they are actually thin. (Gold, 1990) Anorexia nervosa remains a disorder that primarily affects young women, with onset generally between the ages of 12 and 25 years. Epidemiologic studies in the United States and Europe have documented an increased incidence in young women. However, numerous cases of new onset anorexia in elderly men and women have been reported. (Gold, 1990) The typical anorectic patient has a distorted body image and usually has a need to maintain an ultra-thin silhouette or to suppress menses. She sees herself as obese regardless of the degree of emaciation. However, her perception of the physical appearance of others remains accurate. A patient's drawings of family members are usually undistorted, but those of herself show an exaggeratedly obese figure. (Gold, 1990) Anorexics tend to eat "safe," low-calorie foods. Many times, these foods must be consumed in specific quantities, for example, 10 green beans or one tablespoon of ketchup. Many anorexics go so far as to count the calories in chewing gum, medicines and the glue on postage stamps. (Gold, 1990) The most obvious physical effect of anorexia nervosa is illustrated with extreme thinness. Starvation produces an emaciated or skeletal body habitus, leading to such appearance Moreover, as the patients continue to starve themselves; their bodies continue to conserve resources. (Gold, 1990) Hormonal changes such as the changes in reproductive hormones and in the thyroid hormones result from this condition. ("Eating Disorders") As an effect, menstruation among women and the secondary sexual characteristics are

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Activities - Essay Example He is 27 years old and he is doing his master’s in public administration. It was a good experience to meet him as I was able to understand how people work hard to keep up with their career for the purpose of attaining a better future. Majed is married and he has a son. His enthusiasm in his studies for the purpose of gaining a better job really surprised me and pushed me to work harder. An effective group can work in a more efficient manner in comparison to a single individual. A proper understanding between the group members and cooperation by all of them is important for building an effective group. Collaboration and compromising with the group members is central to the proper functioning of the group. It is far better to work with a group rather than individually as all the group members tend to share their ideas. It provides for an increase in the knowledge of all the group members as all the individuals in the group share their personal experiences and knowledge. I look forward to working with a group for increasing my exposure and learning. I am a very open minded person and I love to share the experiences of people belonging to different countries. I am also very punctual and believe that proper time management is crucial for providing for success in any task that an individual

Monday, October 28, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone Essay In the world we live in today, everyone owns a cell phone. Whether it is pre-paid, contract, or a jitter bug they have it. Some are so easy to use while others might take a week or so to learn. Children as young as six or seven even own this very common form of technology. These things do almost everything. They have games, texting, GPS, MP3 players, and much more. Cell phones have many great advantages well as many disadvantages. As for me, the GPS on my cell phone is one major advantagee. By me traveling all over the place to attend many out of town church services, looking for hotels, and more my cell phone makes it so I will never get lost. Not only does the GPS on my cell phone tell me where to go, it also speaks back to me. Buying a cell phone with a GPS has saved me money by not having to by a navigation system. It is also easy and simple to use. I love the convenience of it too. Very often, I travel alone. If I have car problems my cell phone is there so I can call for help. Just last week my car broke down on a dark back road. Thank God I had my cell so I could have called for help. This awesome form of technology was put to use. Cell phones are always good to have when you leave the house or simply traveling alone. By my phone coming with a camera is also a great advantage. They save money and again I love the convenience of it. Just like a normal camera, you can print pictures out through your cell phone. Not only that, you can share them on Facebook or Twitter so everyone else could see. These cell phone cameras are not just any ole camera. Some are even better than the ones one would buy at a camera store. Sometimes we might want to search the internet and at the time we are away from a computer. Most cell phones today have internet access. We can check emails, shop, and everything else we can on the internet with a cell phone. I find this a big advance for those who love the internet. It can also cut off an internet bill at home. Like most things with many good advantages there are also disadvantages. One major disadvantage of a cell phone is texting while driving. Research proves that tons of people die every year as a result of texting while driving. I too find texting and driving very dangerous. It keeps your focus off the road. While driving, one’s focus should be on the road at all times. It is always important for anyone to keep their focus on the road. Cell phones also can take ones attention off their studies. With all the things a cell phone has to offer, it is easy to get carried away with it. There are always new games and fun apps that one can find on their cell phone. The fact that these things are hand held and can go pretty much anywhere can get many students into trouble at school. It can also become a distraction for learning. While most teachers are teaching, many students wish to use there cell phones instead of taking notes or learning. Another common disadvantage of a cell phone is that it keeps you from seeing your friends and family face to face. With the text messaging and calling you can do on a cell phone cuts back the face to face talks with family and friends. Spending time with family and friends should be very important in a person’s life. With a cell phone it is very easy to send a text messages or call them instead of seeing them in person. One should practice less texting and talking on a cell phone and more face to face conversations. Over all, cell phones have many great advantages. They have GPS, camera, and are great for traveling. Also they have many bad disadvantages such as texting and driving, distracting students from their studies, cut away face to face time with family and friends. To me cells phone are great to have and seem to get better each day. As long as you are careful and mindful of the harm a cell phone can do, you will be good.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Paper Of Great Things -- essays research papers

THE PAPER OF GREAT THINGS In the novel The God of Small Things by Arudhati Roy a relationship between a family is shown and the painful past comes through several memories and the presence of the caste system in India is used to juxtapose right vs. wrong. A very powerful closeness is observed between the two main characters and through their relationship one of the main themes of love through obscurity is showcased by the symbolism and diction used by Roy. Several other themes are shown in the novel and highlight the journey the human soul goes through in such trauma and desperation. The bond that the twins share and the manner in which they relate to others directly portray how humans can communicate on a deeper level. The lack of emotions or apathy that is expressed through this twins as a result of their past shows the pain that some endure as a result of other’s severe actions. The symbolism of emotions shone only through remembrance of the past and the repercussions that those reflections have on the present lives of those involved is illustrated through the story of the twins as well. This novel showcases a family struggling to overcome the tragic events of the past and how they are forced to heal with hurtful emotions and express pain through distinct bonds, apathy, and frequent flashbacks to a carefree time that was so full of opportunity and endless faith.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The bond that the twin’s share shows the severity of pain that some can experience and how close people, who have needs and desires, can become as a result. â€Å"When life was full of beginnings and no ends and everything was forever, Esthappen and Rahel thought of themselves together as me and separately as we or us† (Roy, 4). The twins are closer than most families and share a connection that bonds them emotionally as well as mentally and allows them to feel each other on another level. â€Å"Rahel and Estha are fraternal twins whose emotional connection to one another is stronger than that of most siblings† (Gale research). The events that have occurred to both of them throughout their lives have allowed them to mold nearly into one being for fear of the pain that could affect them both. â€Å"Their childhood household hummed with hidden antagonisms and pains that only a family member could have given one another†(Gale research). Bl ood is thicker than water, the feelings that... ...). The duality of their personalities blends to create one soul intensifying the emotions they individually experience but then re-create and experience all over again. â€Å"She has other memories too that she has no right to have†(Roy,8). They are so connected mentally that any thought that enters his head will echo through hers. The same is true of the feelings they intensify by sharing and manifesting inside one another.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The three different symbol that surface throughout the novel mean so much more than they are described as and all represent the challenges that one much overcome to endure and cope with extreme pain. Whether a person find sanctuary in another person or inside his or her own soul there is always hope for the soul you can save, your own. â€Å"The God of Small Things is a demanding novel that provokes many questions regarding the conflict between human desire and deep rooted emotions†(Gale research). The view of this family is highly aimed at everyone in some way and the pain they endure and how they learn to deal with tumultuous emotions that threaten every shred of dignity, ray of hope, and heart beat of love that lies inside every person.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Business Essay

Convenience Internet marketing enables you to be open for business around the clock without worrying about store opening hours or overtime payments for staff. Offering your products on the Internet is also convenient for customers. They can browse your online store at any time and place orders when it is convenient for them. Reach By marketing on the Internet, you can overcome barriers of distance. You can sell goods in any part of the country without setting up local outlets, widening your target market. You can also build an export business without opening a network of distributors in different countries. However, if you want to sell internationally, you should use localization services to ensure that your products are suitable for local markets and comply with local business regulations. Localization services include translation and product modification to reflect local market differences. Cost Marketing products on the Internet costs less than marketing them through a physical retail outlet. You do not have the recurring costs of property rental and maintenance. You do not have to purchase stock for display in a store. You can order stock in line with demand, keeping your inventory costs low. Personalization Internet marketing enables you to personalize offers to customers by building a profile of their purchasing history and preferences. By tracking the web pages and product information that prospects visit, you can make targeted offers that reflect their interests. The information available from tracking website visits also provides data for planning cross-selling campaigns so that you can increase the value of sales by customer. Relationships The Internet provides an important platform for building relationships with customers and increasing customer retention levels. When a customer has purchased a product from your online store, you can begin the relationship by sending a follow-up email to confirm the transaction and thank the customer. Emailing customers regularly with special, personalized offers helps to maintain the relationship. You can also invite customers to submit product reviews on your website, helping to build a sense of community. Social Internet marketing enables you to take advantage of the growing importance of social media. An article on the Harvard Business School Executive Education website highlighted the link between social networking and online revenue growth. According to the article, a group of consumers that responded most strongly to the influence of social networks generated increased sales of around 5 percent. You can take advantage of this type of influence by incorporating social networking tools in your Internet marketing campaigns.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

14 Points Woodrow Wilson

President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points On January 8, 1918 President Woodrow Wilson gave a proposal to Congress which outlined the post World War I peace treaty later negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference, and in the Treaty of Versailles. The fourteen points were intended to generate support for Wilson’s vision of the postwar world, both home & also among allies in Europe. The president hoped that the promise of a just peace would be embraced by the populations in enemy nations and generates momentum for ending the war. When comparing Avalon Project ( primary) & History World (secondary) documents for Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, I found that the primary document is the actually proposal. There is nothing creative about it. It is just what Wilson stated. When reading the primary I had no understanding of what was being presented to both houses of Congress. In Wilson perspective it was for the Congress, to discuss the objects of the war and the possible basis of a general peace. As, I read the secondary source document, I fully understood the proposal. The writer generated this version for the people. He shortened and paraphrased it but, I was able to understand the document. Indeed the Avalon Project (primary) version was more information then what was needed because he was presenting it to Congress so it had to be in a certain form & most important professionally presented. That document is more of the original. So it is supposed to be more into details. With the History World (secondary) version the information w

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Surviving Suicide essay

buy custom Surviving Suicide essay Suicide can be defined as the deliberate act of intentionally taking ones life. It involves intentional ending of own life. Research has shown that different people at different ages commit suicide due to different reasons, ranging from mental illness, depression, desperation, family pressures, troubled or broken relations and other externalities such as financial difficulties (Haugen, David, Matthew, 80). According to World Health Organization (WHO), nearly one million people attempt to kill themselves yearly, with approximately thirty thousand resulting into fatal deaths. In addition, committing suicide may be due to medical conditions such as chronic illness or pain, mental disorders for example insanity, social pressures, and drug and substance abuse. Generally, most cultures consider suicide as a crime (Amry 72). It has been reported that most people who commit suicide often targe getting rid of their life situations. They usually want to run away from the hardships they experience in life and thus view suicide as the only source of relief. However, Holmes postulates that people usually commit suicide as a show of cry for help, without necessarily wanting to end their lives. He further illustrates that such people often do so in favor of their friends or family members (Holmes 55). Whether suicide is intended to cause death or a cry for help, those who commit it usually show rage and anger, depression and feeling of rejection due to persistent abuse, self-blaming and low esteem, and constant arguments prior to such acts. The most common symptoms they show are poor concentration and non-critical thinking, discarding of personal belongings, sudden change in behavior such as heavy drinking of alcohol, pulling away from social groups, sudden interest or discussions on death and suicidal methods, hopelessness and poor eating habits and lack of sleep. The bereaved familys grief will further be complicated by shock of the happenings, especially if they were not able to identify the pre-suicide symptoms. They may feel guilt of not being socially supportive to the victim, or being irresponsible and negligence to the person. Friends can provide emotional, economic and financial support to the victims family. They should help the family rebuild their life through continued advice and counseling. Counseling will help them ease the intensity and burden of unresolved feeling of losing a loved one. They can introduce the family to religious practices such as praying together. This will help build family relation and bond between members (Jordan Mcintosh 45) The friends can introduce members of such families into survivors groups where they can relate to people who have had similar experiences. Buy custom Surviving Suicide essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Enlightenment From Conflict essays

Enlightenment From Conflict essays The plague, though not unfamiliar to most in a historical sense, is brought about in a much more personal light in Albert Camus The Plague. Through narration by Dr. Rieux, we watch the personal growth of a character trapped in a town where reality has been sacrificed for survival. But because of his self-sacrifice, determination, dedication to his patients and to all citizens in the town, and through the shared experiences of his friends, we see that Rieux has become a stronger, more understanding, and compassionate man. Throughout this novel, we watch Rieux continuously care for the sick and struggle to stay strong for those who look to him for help and comfort. He is in many ways the anchor of the novel, a center point, not only because of his position as the narrator, but because of his continued support of all the other characters. Toward the end of this epidemic, though, we see Rieux start to question what has come of his efforts while he has survived and so many have not. Looking at his efforts to fight off the plague as a personal, as well as internal, conflict, he states that perhaps what he has won is the experience of having known the plague and remembering it, of having known friendship and remembering it, of knowing affection and being destined one day to remember it. He goes on to summarize that all that could be won from this conflict was knowledge and memories, and through his experiences we see that these are valuable life-long lessons worth the sacrifice (291). The first prize Rieux mentions is having known the plague and remembering it (291). While it may not be obvious at first that this is in fact a benefit, Father Panelouxs experience with the death of a young boy, as drastic as it was, created a more educated member of the church. While in the beginning Father Paneloux preached that the plague came from God for the punishment of thei...